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Wolf Full Moon in Cancer
Starting on Jan 6th first of the month, which is in a few days, we will be having a Wolf full moon in Cancer.
Cancer will be in its home sign where the energies will feel stronger and intense than normal.
The moon will be in the first house, representing the self and how we are expressing our ego to others.
The reason it is called a wolf full moon is traditionally wolfs will howl do to minimal of food supply they had during the cold winter. The energies within that are intense and instinctual in nature.
This full moon will be a T-square happening between the moon in Cancer, Chiron in Aries, Mercury in Capricorn and the Sun in Capricorn.
When T- squares happen, it can signify tension, or heavy challenges that can arise. Even though the energies will be tough, there are opportunities for positive constructive change.
Now that we understand this, I’m going to define it more with the planets that will be involved during this full moon.
As mentioned, the moon will be in Cancer, it represents strong emotions to our home life, feeling the need to be protect but to what length? It also represents our mother or nurturing instincts.
This full moon will have us dealing with our emotions of what we feel and cancer has no filter when it…