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Tarot Reading|Cycles Are Ending & New Beginnings Are Starting!
This is a general reading, take what resonates and leave the rest. Let’s begin…
Currently, you are taking the time to go within and work on issues you have not dealt with in a very long time. There is a relationship for some and others a career/job you are thinking of moving on from.
The eight of cups in reverse is a signal that you may not want to leave anytime soon, you may feel that their is still potential and a possibility of improvement.
Ace of wands is showing that you will gain momentum and energy to be able to achieve the goals you are setting out or if this is relationship there may be an ignited passion you may have if you are with someone.
The hierophant is here and needing for you to connect with your higher self for clarity. You are also being asked to sit in meditation and allow yourself to let go of whatever you feel hasn’t been working or has been falling off.