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Mercury RX In Taurus
The first Retrograde of the year! Mercury will be retrograding in Taurus starting April 20th right after we have a total solar eclipse and new moon.
The graces of mercury in Taurus is giving us an opportunity to get our ducks in a row. Taurus, as we understand it, rules the earth, possessions, the mind, is the builder, stability, self indulgence, and finances.
Mercury Rx is famous for disrupting technology and how things function. Miscommunication and can give trickster vibes to do the nature and illusion that Mercury is traveling backwards.
Taurus is a stubborn sign and also slow moving so things may feel super slow with mercury retrograde. We are being asked to re-do things in regards to how we see our possessions, what we have built as our foundations and possibly realizing they may not be stable as we thought. Mercury will be forcing us to remove things that are past the expiration date.
Do to the nature of this current retrograde, we will also be feeling the eclipse which is wrapping up karma-tic cycles and releasing us from what was. Along with a new moon which isn’t the time to be manifesting what we are trying to have but more so setting intensions of what needs to be cleared and renewed.
Our financial systems have been a heavy topic of interest. These fall downs of banks along with housing, stock…