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Mercury Retrograde inVirgo| It’s Time To Ground
It’s that time again where Virgo will be transiting Mercury and giving us a time to re-do, re-think, and re-visit previous situations. Mercury Rx is officially here and will finish up September 14th.
When Mercury is in its home sign(s) Virgo we are being asked to ground ourselves into our current reality and to step away from the hyper-fixation of wanting to micromanage our daily lives and look at the bigger picture and ground to this reality.
This is still a great time to actually focus on internal and external issues that need a second look.
Let us look deeper into what this will mean for is…
We have the eight of pentacles here coming in with a bounty of offers in the first wave of this retrograde. Eight of cups shows that some of you will be looking at different offers of work, or opportunities to progress your life to move forward.
Mercury is in its home sign of virgo where it feels its best. This is a time to delve into what you have been working on for some months. Virgo will be using this time to review and analyze what they have been…